Portland Women in Business

Portland Women in Business (PWiB) is a not-for-profit community organisation under the auspices of the Committee for Portland.
The creation of PWiB in 2013 was driven by a demonstrated need for networking opportunities for businesswomen in our community. It is funded by membership and sponsorship.
PWiB is accepting new members, see the Become a Member page for more information. If you would like to contact PWiB about any specific inquiries, please visit the Contact page for more information.
As a subcommittee of Committee for Portland, Portland Women in Business aims to provide support and opportunities to network with like-minded women, to enhance business connections and to build professional skills and knowledge within a collaborative and inclusive environment.
Guiding Principles
- Network to connect and learn
- Support individuals and businesses
- Mentor to facilitate success
- Grow personally and professionally
Portland Women in Business is a network formed to support and empower women in business, leadership and industry.
Membership Benefits
- As a valued PWiB member, you will receive invitations to exclusive events, forums, workshops, seminars and fundraisers.
- Members are invited to attend our monthly meetings.
- Members receive special discounts or complimentary entry to events, training and other initiatives.
- Professional and personal development opportunities.
- Receive regular newsletters filled with upcoming events, community information, member biographies, business directory, current local offers, competitions and more!
- Raise your professional profile through our various social media platforms and website.
- Networking opportunity with women from across the region, via online platforms and social gatherings.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at varying times to suit the various commitments people have. Our meetings are offered online via Zoom or for those who wish to attend in person at the Portland Business Hub.
Apply for Membership
Membership information and application forms to join Portland Women in Business can be found on the Become a Member page.