Portland is a center of excellence for education. It is home to the ever-expanding South West TAFE campus – leading education provider for Marine Sciences. Having recently undergone a $5.2 million upgrade and expansion, it now boasts sophisticated maritime instruments, an automotive workshop, pneumatics and hydraulics mobile training aids, and a simulated kindergarten playground.

was recently spend on an upgrade to Portland’s South West TAFE
great Secondary
Schools on offer
in Portland
great Primary
Schools on offer
in Portland
South West Institute of TAFE
South West TAFE’s Portland campus offers a wide variety of innovative training and educational programs that have been implemented to support the needs of the industries and individuals of the local community.
The Portland campus boasts state of the art equipment and facilities to train students across maritime, engineering, tourism, early childhood education and care, horticulture, training and assessment, individual support, VCAL and business courses to name just a few.
South West TAFE supports students wanting to develop existing skills to assist with career advancement and those wanting to obtain new skills. Teachers are industry experts and can help students achieve their goals.
Address: 154 Hurd St, Portland VIC 3305
Phone: (03) 5521 0444
Website: www.swtafe.edu.au
Bayview College
119 Bentick Street, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 1042
Email: school.contact@bayview.vic.edu.au
Web: http://www.bayview.vic.edu.au/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/BayviewCollege/?fref=nf
Principal: Dr Michelle Kearney
Portland Secondary College
PO Box 452, Portland, VIC 3305
170 Must St, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 1344
Fax: (03) 5523 4449
Email: Portland.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: http://www.portlandsc.vic.edu.au/
Principal: Ms Toni Burgoyne
All Saints Parish School
PO Box 800, Portland, VIC 3305
94-100 Fawthrop St, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 3654
Fax: (03) 5521 7795
Email: roll@asportland.catholic.edu.au
Web: http://www.asportland.catholic.edu.au/
Principal: Mrs Olga Lyons
Bundarra Primary School
PO Box 736, Portland, VIC 3305
124 Fawthrop St, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 4122
Fax: (03) 5521 7355
Email: bundarra.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: http://bundarraps.global2.vic.edu.au/
Principal: Mrs Tara Hulonce
Portland North Primary School
42 School Rd, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 1482
Fax: (03) 5521 7195
Email: Portland.north.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Principal: Mr Don Nelson
Portland Primary School
45 Palmer Street, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 1911
Fax: (03) 5523 6002
Email: portland.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Principal: Ms Stephanie Carter
Portland South Primary School
133-141 Edgar St, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 2911
Email: portland.south.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: http://www.portlandsthps.vic.edu.au/
Principal: Mrs Vicki Fisher
St John’s Lutheran Primary School
43-55 Trangmar St, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 3833
Email: khuf@stjohnsportland.vic.edu.au
Web: http://www.stjohnsportland.com.au/
Principal: Mr Brad Moss
Karreeta Peenyeet Mara – Portland Child and Family Complex
Jaycee Kindergarten
Kalbarri Kindergarten
Elsa MacLeod Kindergarten (community managed)
Good Start Early Learning Centre (privately operated)
Portland Bay School
Portland bay School
312 Edgar St, Portland, VIC 3305
Ph: (03) 5523 2218
Web: http://portlandbayschool.vic.edu.au/
Principal: Mr Stephen Crossley