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Hooked on Tuna

May 1, 2021 - May 23, 2021

$20 – $50

The Annual Portland Tuna Fishing Competition runs over four weekends and in 2021 will take place from Saturday 1 May to Sunday 23 May 2021.

A total cash prize pool of $10,000 is up for grabs including:

$1000 each weekend for the heaviest catch

Overall heaviest catch – $3000

Overall first runner up $2000

Overall second runner up $1000

You’re going to fish anyway…might as well enter for your chance to win!


All fish must be presented bled, or bled, gilled and gutted preferably on ice. Refer to weighting section for exception.

Online registrations for weekend only entry will close at midnight Friday the day the date of entry.

Competition Rules

Fishing times

Saturday 6.30am to 5.00pm

Sunday 6.30am to 3.00pm

Weigh in Times

Saturday 4.00pm – 5.00pm

Sunday 2.00pm – 3.00pm

Boats are not to depart the harbour any earlier than 6.30am on each fishing day. Photo ID must be presented. Entrants must enter him or herself and provide photo ID (can be provided at weigh in time for those entering online) and entrants cannot enter the competition once they are on the water. Registration needs to occur prior to leaving the harbour.

In the event of a fish being hooked and played for a length of time in the late part of the day we will extend the weigh in for an additional hour after weigh in time. You must advise officials of this at time of hook up in the last hour of competition by contacting Michael Hunter 0419 539 338.


• Entrants in the competition will leave from the Portland Harbour no earlier than 6.30am.

• Competitors can fish up to 40 nautical miles in any direction from Lawrence Rocks.

• Boundaries have been established to maintain a level and affordable playing field.

• Weigh-ins will occur at the Old Boat Ramp in front of the Yacht Club. All fish must be presented gilled, gutted and bled.

• Final presentation will take place at the Portland Yacht Club on Sunday 23 ay 2021 from 3.00pm


Southern Bluefin Tuna only. Caught on rod and reel only.


Only one fish will be weighed per entrant each day.

Live fish must not be presented at the weigh station. All fish are to be weighed at the Weigh Station situated at the South Boat Ramp in front of the Portland Yacht Club during the weigh-in times specified Fish will only be weighed-in gilled and gutted.

If, in the opinion of the Angler, the fish is a potential record catch, the fish may be weighed whole, then taken away for cleaning, and then re-weighed for the contest.


Prizes are as follows:

Weekly weekend prize heaviest catch $1000

Overall competition period heaviest catch $3000

Overall competition period heaviest catch first runner up $2000

Overall competition period heaviest catch second runner up $1000

In the event of a tie, the prize will be shared. Prize winners will receive funds by electronic bank transfer on the first business day after the competition. Funds may take up to 48 hours to reach bank account.


Weather updates will be broadcast by the Portland Coast Guard throughout the weekend. Please tune in for updated weightings at VHF repeater channel 81. Or check for regular updates via the Facebook event.

Fisheries and Water Police

All entrants are to abide by the States Fisheries in regard to licensing, catch and possession limits. It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that their watercraft and safety gear comply with the Victorian State Safely Rules.

Safety Precautions

All vessels are reminded to stay clear of the Port of Portland’s operations at all times, including vessels at the anchorage, approaching the port or berthing/unberthing within the port.

• All boats are highly encouraged to register with the Coastguard Portland on VHF 16. Remember to log off at the end of the day.

• Never fish in dangerous conditions. It is the responsibility of the entrants to decide whether conditions are suitable for their craft and the safety of all anglers. All anglers and boats enter this competition at their own risk.

• The organising committee reserves the right to reduce the fishing area or close the days fishing if it is believed that sea conditions are unsafe.

• The final decision regarding cancellation of a day’s fishing due to unsafe conditions will be made by the Portland Division of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard.

Age Restrictions

This competition is open to all ages. Children under 16 must provide consent from a parent or guardian.

Tag and Release

Most tagged Southern Bluefin Tuna by Boat. Champion tagging boat will win $1000 voucher and trophy. Unused tags and applicators to be returned to Portland Bait and Tackle

Tag Number range to be provided to Michael Hunter


There will be no refunds given on entry under any circumstances other than cancellation of the event due to pandemic and potential travel restrictions as a result of State Government directed lockdown.

By paying to enter the competition you accept and agree to the above terms and conditions as outlined in the competition rules. You also agree to council using any images taken during the competition for promotion and marketing.

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